A practical work book for Legal Innovators

When it comes to Legal Innovation, there is a tendency to confuse the innovative aspects of the lawyer profession (in the company or not) with the more practical issues that haunt professionals in the sector.

It is not just about attitude, but about a real and priority change of paradigm in the implementation of practical issues and concrete solutions that are submitted to us by the business.

That's why when I discovered the text produced by Lucy Endel Bassli, The simple workbook for Legal Innovation, I said “Eureka!”.

I very much loved that instead of writing generically what an innovator in the legal world is or what he is not, he did practical exercises applied to the daily life of the company thanks to which to go to concretely apply the topics covered and the principles learned.

One of the most important characteristics of legal innovation is certainly Legal design, the ability to draw in one's mind and then in the company the processes that must tend to clarify and simplify the difficult and overlapping facets of the various departments at stake.

For this reason being able to take a pencil and draw those processes in concrete, following the suggestions of Lucy Endel Bassli, was almost liberating.

I suggest it to those who have to face these issues in a concrete way but also to the curious of legal innovation who want to better understand how to apply the techniques to their everyday life. And the best part is that it has nothing to do with the geography we have fallen into. They are global concepts, valid for all of us and immediately usable.


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